Wednesday, March 14, 2012

March 14th, 2012

I began the day today by fulfilling my Student Ambassador duties with helping to set up the Soup for the Soul event that will be held tonight to benefit cancer patients.  About halfway through that, I had to leave in order to attend the Green Business Round Table luncheon presentation from the ex-mayor of Gainesville, Florida.  This luncheon was very delicious, and the speech by the mayor was very informative.  She talked about the initiatives that her town had taken to improve their footprint on the environment, and how we could implement many of the same ideas in our town.  Then, after that, I went to Park Elementary with the Mayor, where we talked to a third grade class about what makes Durango a community, and what her role in the government is.  They asked a bunch of questions about her and about me, and we answered them.  Then, afterwards, they all wanted our autographs, which was really really cute!  That was about it for my meetings and events for the day, but I worked somewhat more on some of the other aspects of my internship on my own.  In addition, I finished a lot of my Mayor's Youth Advisory Commission work that I had been meaning to do for a while.

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