
Aiyana Anderson


2009-2010                   ANIMAS HIGH SCHOOL                                       9th Grade
·      Courses Taken:  Humanities, Physics, Spanish 1, Digital Media, Green Living, Algebra 2.
·      Served as a student ambassador.  Conducted interviews with future teachers, showed prospective students our school and culture, and assisted at informational nights for new students.
·      Represented our school at the charter school rally and met with regional representative in Denver.
·      Received the Presidential Award for Educational Excellence
·      GPA: 4.0

2010-2011                   ANIMAS HIGH SCHOOL                                       10th Grade
·      Courses Taken:  Humanities 10, Biology, Spanish 2, Painting, Independent Art Study, Pre-Calculus.
·      GPA: 4.0
2011-2012                                      ANIMAS HIGH SCHOOL                                       11th Grade
·      Courses Taken:  Honors Humanities 11: Deconstructing America, Honors Chemistry, Spanish 3, Psychology, Math Analysis.
·      Was elected to and served on the Student Advisory Council.
·      Was appointed as a Student Ambassador.  Showed prospective students our school and culture, and assisted at informational nights for new students.
·      GPA: 4.0

Project Highlights

Spring 2010                 MODEL UNITED NATIONS                                  Humanities
·      Represented the United States.
·      Resolution made the docket, and was one of the few that passed.

Spring 2010                 PHYSICS OF MUSIC                                               Physics
·      Learned about sound waves.
·      Designed and built a harp by hand.
·      Persevered through difficulties in building the harp.

Spring 2011                 POETRY OF WAR, PEACE, AND VIOLENCE    Humanities
·      Created a well crafted, insightful, and professional poem.
·      Conceptualized and made a very refined, diverse, and cohesive kinetic text from the poem.
·      Learned how to use Adobe After Effects.
·      Professionally edited six others’ poems and artist statements.
·      Assisted in the formation, organization, and aesthetics of the poetry café.

Spring 2011                 FREEDOM OF BIOTECHNOLOGY                      Biology
·      Learned about the real life uses of DNA biotechnologies.
·      Connected our learning to a packing tape sculpture.
·      Sculpture was highly expressive, creative, unique, and refined.


2007-2011                   SILVERTON CHOCOLATES                                 Head of Packaging
·      Packaged bulk of chocolate produced.
·      Instructed and trained new employees.
·      Assisted in production of chocolate.

Extra-Curricular Activities

2008-11                       FLUTE                                                                        Played/Took Lessons
·      Studied and rehearsed flute on a daily basis.
·      Participated in a juried recital in both the solo and ensemble categories.

Winter 2009-10           TURTLE LAKE REFUGE                                        Volunteer
·      Assisted in cultivation of goods and production of products.

Winter 2010-11           MOCK TRIAL                                                           Lawyer
·      Gained a position on the prosecution side of the top team in Durango.
·      Was chosen to give the opening statement and to conduct the direct examination and cross-examination on the most important witnesses. 
·      Formulated and performed the opening statement, direct examination, and cross examination for the prosecution.

2010-11                       LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD                            Teen Representative
·      Acted as the voting teen representative.
·      Gave opinions on the projects and distribution of funds at the library.
Summer 2011              DURANGO PUBLIC LIBRARY                            Volunteer
·      Re-Alphabetized children’s books and answered patrons’ questions.
2011-12                       MAYOR’S YOUTH ADVISORY COUNCIL        Member
·      Attended all meetings.
·      Chair of the Opportunities Sub-Committee.
·      Appointed Chair of the Youth Expo Organizing Committee.